Let All Children Pray heading

Let All Children Pray

 A multi-ethnic group of elementary age children are kneeling on the floor and are praying together.

10th Annual Rosary Walk

of Mobile's oldest Historic Churches

Saturday, Dec. 9, 2023 

following 8 a.m. Mass (8:30 a.m., if no Mass) beginning at the

Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, celebrating

The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and The Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

The First Joyful Mystery of the International Rosary will be prayed in English at the Cathedral. Then we will process to Most Pure Heart of Mary Parish to pray the Second in Swahili. Songs will be our witness as we walk and carry the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

Next we will process to St. Joseph - Spring Hill Ave to pray the Third in Korean; then to the grounds of the former St. Peter Claver Parish School (formerly the Dept. of Catholic Education) to pray the Fourth in Spanish. The Fifth Joyful Mystery will be prayed at Prince of Peace Parish (formed in 1970 when the 1847 St. Vincent de Paul and 1911 St. Peter Claver Parishes were combined) in French.

Join us carrying your Parish, Group, Organization banners and singing traditional hymns to celebrate Our Lady's feast days. All are welcome.
— For more information, text/email Collette Bookman "Rosary Walk 2023" to 251-490-8922 or rosarywalk@gmail.com

 Rosary Walk 2023 8x4. Dec. 9, 2023, following the Cathedral-Basilica of the Immaculate Conception 8 a.m. Mass




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